Monday, November 9, 2015

The Journey Continues

Our "failed" Adoption...

Scott and I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and messages during our adoption journey...and especially here lately.  We have a sad update to share with you.

For the past 10 weeks, Scott and I formed a relationship and bond with our birth mom, Sally (named changed), and her mom.  We traveled up there on several occasions, I went to a doctor’s appointment with her…daily communication…we felt really good about everything and looked forward to expanding our family.  Not just with the baby, but with their family as well.

Monday afternoon, November 2 (her due date), Sally sent me a text saying that she was being sent over to the hospital to be induced.  She had been to her doctor early that afternoon.  We left and made the nearly 4 hour drive up to the hospital...super excited!!!  When we arrived, the biological father was at the hospital...something we had not expected.  He came back into Sally's life a couple weeks ago.  We introduced ourselves and talked with him a bit...seemed like a nice guy.  We were given a room of our own right next to Sally’s. 

That night, the birth father fell asleep.  So did Scott…and Sally’s mom went home for a bit.  I stayed up all night...She had to have her epidural redone…she also didn’t sleep.

At 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday, the nurse came in and Sally began to push.  I was there.  Her mom was there.  The biological father was there.  Greyson was born at 7:10 a.m.  7lbs 12oz 20.5 inches long.  Absolutely perfect.  I cut the umbilical cord.  I have always loved the name Greyson.  We named him together.

Sally told me she wanted me to hold him first…that didn’t happen.  She held him.  When Scott came into the room, she gave Scott the baby.  The nurses at this small hospital were not all hip to how adoption works.  Some were…and they were great.  But one came in who congratulated dad…and she wasn’t talking to Scott.  She gave the biological father a bottle and he fed him first.

Greyson was taken to the nursery for shots and a sponge bath.  When they were done, he was in our room.  We cared for him for nearly 2 days.  Sally asked to see him a couple times, and we had no problem with that as we were sticking to the plan.  Tuesday night she asked me when my parents were coming...She seemed excited to meet them. We had met her family on and off all day.

The attorneys for both us and Sally showed up at the hospital to take care of some legal stuff.  Sally signed the Care Agreement which gave Scott and I Power of Attorney and the rights to make medical decisions for Greyson.  All was on track and going great.  Scott was up with Greyson most of the night Tuesday.  He let me sleep as I had not had any...and oh my goodness.  You should have seen Scott change that first poopy know the one I'm taking about.  Exploded everywhere.  YUCK!

Wednesday morning Scott asked Sally if she wanted anything from McDonald's, so he brought her breakfast.  Greyson was circumcised shortly after.  Ouch!  My parents arrived around 11:15.  My mom held him.  Then I got the call from our agency that the hospital Social Worker had spoken with her…which was NOT supposed to happen like that.   A hospital Social Worker stepped into Sally’s room and felt the need to counsel her.  Sally had already been through counseling.  She was given all other options other than adoption…WIC…Welfare…etc.  She wanted adoption.  Well, this social worker gave her those options again.

Before we knew for sure that they wanted to keep Greyson, a nurse came into the room, took Greyson out of Scott’s arms while he was feeding him and said he needed to be checked.  We told the nurse he was just checked in our room a minute ago and everything was fine.  She didn’t say anything.   Just left with him.  We never saw him again…

When the social worker came into our room…she told us the news. Also was not supposed to happen.  She was not nice about it…in fact, it was awful.  My mom got sick to her stomach instantly.  I collapsed.  I was so confused and hurt…we never heard from Sally again.  The feeling of betrayal, confusion,'s all still there.  But I can tell you it will make us stronger.  We know we have been called to adoption.

Sally's family was shocked by her decision.  Neither of Greyson’s parents have a full job…or a place of their own.  Last we heard, they moved into a family member's home of the father.  Our only hope and prayer is that he is well taken care of.

When we left the hospital late that day…I couldn’t breathe.   I was sick.  I am better now.  The agency has been great and supportive and will do that they can to help us get another placement soon. 

Scott and I lost $4,000 (at least) that we know of.  We still had to pay for our attorney, Sally’s attorney, and the counseling she had….

We have had several requests to purchase our "Hope for One" shirts as a way to help raise the lost, for 15 can purchase the shirts again if you would like.  We truly appreciate it.  Click here to purchase your shirt!  Please order by November 23.  (They come in youth sizes, short sleeve, long sleeve, and hoodies!)

We really are doing better.  We have been laughing some and spending time with each other and family.  We are hopeful for what is still to come.  We have a nursery all ready to go!  The experience to us will help us appreciate the next adoption journey even more.  As awful as it is to say, it felt like Greyson passed away…and I guess in our lives, he did.  We just hope and pray that Greyson is getting the love and care he deserves...and yes, he is still named Greyson. 

I have to say a big thank you to my new friends...fellow adoptive moms.  You ladies have been amazing checking on me and giving encouraging words.  THANK YOU! 

The title of this post was our "failed" adoption...Even though it did not work out...and maybe failed to us...God opened another door to help us get even closer to our child.  I have to believe that God brought us together for some reason...maybe we helped Sally through something.  Or lit a spark in her for God.  We may never know.  

Thank you all for caring so much about us and our dream to expand our family!

~Lindsay and Scott
Written by Lindsay

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Exciting News!


I can't believe it has been over 2 months since I last wrote an update.  To catch you up, Scott and I were officially homestudy approved on July 29 and notified of the approval on August 6!  Ahhh.  Such a relief. We began submitting our profile to birthmom "situations" (as they are called) right away.


On August 28, a call that that would be start to an amazing thing new beginning came in.  We had been selected by a birthmom (along with 7 other couples) to meet...the following week.  The nerves really kicked of 8 couples, though.  We were so excited yet had to contain our excitement as we really did not think we would be selected.  However, we prayed.  And prayed.  We prayed not to be matched...but for the birthmom and for God to help us accept whatever the outcome may be for Scott and I.

We traveled to our meeting place and met Miss. M (as I will call her).  Her mom was also there.  They were both amazing.  We laughed, joked, and took 30 minutes to get to know each other before our time was up.  Scott and I left feeling at peace.  The nerves were still there.  Neither of us could quit peeing!  Haha.  In all of our 12+ hour rides to Mississippi, we have never stopped as much to pee as we did for our 3.5 hour trip for our meeting!! (TMI, right?)

When we were about halfway home, our agency called.  We were now one of two couples being considered by Miss. M!!  Excitement, all came into play even more.  We had 2 days before traveling to meet Miss M. again.

On the day of our second meeting, I know I was personally so nervous, that I cannot even remember what Scott and I talked about in the car on the way to meet Miss. M....but when we walked into our meeting, the nervousness and fear went away.  It felt like friends catching up.  Laughing.  Joking.  Comparing favorites...the hour flew by.  Again, we left feeling peace.

Our Miracle...

Before we were home again, the agency called.  WE WERE PICKED AND OFFICIALLY MATCHED!  Scott was speechless.  (in a good way, though!)  Then excitement REALLY hit.  Unbelievable!!  There are really no words to describe the way you feel, as those when you find out you are going to be parents.

Within a couple of days, phone numbers were released so that Miss. M, and I could start communicating. Scott and I wanted an open adoption.  So before I go any further, I want to explain this a little more...

Open Adoption...

At first, Scott and I were scared of what an open adoption was.  It took education, talking to those that have adopted or were adopted.  Thankfully, Miss. M. and her family were on the same page as us for openness.  

There are varying degrees of what an open adoption is.  Some are just pictures and updates here and there either through the agency or directly to the birth family.  Others are weekly/monthly visits.  Some birthmom and adoptive moms even become best friends and essentially part of the family.

The reasoning behind open adoption can also vary family to family.  Mostly, it is best for the adopted child.  Knowing where you come from, why you were placed for adoption, and who your biological family members are, is an important part of growth, development, and you as a person.  We would never want to block our child(ren) from knowing that.  Nor, the birth family from knowing how their precious gift is doing.  Children that have that information withheld from him/her often grow to resent their adoptive family...because at some point in their life, they start to sense something is different.  Also, in the state of Ohio, when a child turn 18, he/she has access to the original birth certificate.  

Our Adoption...

Our level of openness with Miss. M. is exactly what we had hoped for.  Phone calls/text, occasional meeting, and staying in communication throughout his life.  This is easy for Scott and I.  We absolutely love our birthmom...and she is more than that.  She is a friend.  She and I text every couple of days.  Miss. M. is simply AMAZING.  Scott and I are allowed to attend doctor's appointments!  Miss. M. even has sent ultrasound pictures, a video of her tummy moving, and we are all 3 working to come up with a name for our son, due the first part of November!  I was even asked to be in the room when little man is born.  We are truly blessed with this match AND having Miss. M. as our birthmom.

Miss M. if you are reading this...thank you...even though thank you will never be enough.   You have made a dream come true for us.  We absolutely promise to cherish, support, provide, and encourage your precious gift. You are such a brave, strong, and amazing person.  I am so thankful to have the connection we do between us, and I just know you will be part of our lives and in our heart forever     

Miss. M is 33 weeks and 1 day.  The big day is quickly arriving!  Continue to pray...most importantly for our birthmom and new friend...and our sweet son.  Though this is a very exciting time for Scott and I, it can also be an emotional and difficult road ahead for Miss. M. and her family.

So, What Happens Now?

Many have asked us, "What happens now?"  I thought I would take some time to explain the process from here on out.  As always, we are happy to share, as we hope to help others that are wanting to adopt!

1.  Our attorney is currently preparing paperwork for the placement of little man into our home, as well as other paperwork that is needed.  Miss. M. will be meeting with her attorney soon to also complete some paperwork while working on her hospital plan (how she wants her hospital experience to go from the beginning of her stay, to the end of her stay.)

2.  In the state of Ohio, the birthmother has 72 hours to decide whether or not she wishes to continue with the adoption plan.

3.  After 72 hours, the Consent Hearing takes place.  The birthmom and her attorney is present at this hearing.

4.  The same day as the Consent Hearing, is the Placement Hearing.  (I believe same day)  That's where Scott and I acknowledge to the Court our desire to adopt and willingness to pay the adoption expenses.  Scott and I along with our attorney will be there.

5.  After court, a documented visit by our social worker is held at our home after 7 days, and then every 30 days until our Finalization Hearing (6-8 months after birth).

6.  The Putative Father Registry.  The birth father has 15 days from birth to come forward and claim he wants to parent.  IF this were to happen, we would have to give up little man...and that's it for us.  We pray this is not the case.

7.  90-120 days after birth, our attorney will file Petition for Adoption.  At this time, we will need to update some forms from our homestudy.

8.  In the 5th month, our attorney files more paperwork stating there is a bond in the best interest of the child at this point.

9.  6-8 months after birth, we finalize the adoption in court.  At that time, we no longer need social worker visits :)

So that's it in a nutshell.  Thank you again for your continued support and prayers!!

For those that have asked, our baby registry: Click here!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

How the Matching Process Works

We Learned a Lot Today...

Scott and I have been asked countless times..."So when will you get a baby?"  Fair question, but one that is impossible to answer.  Even after a can be iffy.  We participated in a conference call with our agency today that goes over the matching process and the legal "stuff" for the process.  It was VERY informative, yet a bit scary.

First of all, we are still waiting on the homestudy papers to be finalized.  We have done all we can right now, we wait.  Hoping by the end of the month or start of August we can start submitting to profiles that we feel fit our hopes of getting selected to parent. 

For those of you that are interested, here are some points that we learned today:
 (We share this information in hopes of helping someone else considering the process, or those that just like to educate themselves.) 


*  When we receive profiles on expectant mothers and babies, we decide if we want to be considered to parent that baby by the expectant mother.  She will first see our online profile along with SEVERAL others.  She will then narrow it down to 3-5 families that she wants to see the books for.  From there, she will decide if she wants to talk or meet with any of those families.  Some will.  Some won't.  After that, she will make her final decision.  

*  A more in depth medical and family background will be released after a match is declared to us to review.  We can even take that information to a doctor and get his/her opinion on the health of the baby.  Scott and I are VERY open to several different circumstances that may arise, so please do not think we are hunting for the perfectly healthy baby.  However, like any expectant parents, that would of course be our ideal wish.    

*  Once we are matched, within one week we must pay our agency the remaining $4,000 AND (if we are matched in the state of Ohio) the remaining $13,000 for various legal costs, birthmother living expenses, social worker fees, paper transfers, etc.  At this time, the expenses for an out-of-state match are much out of our price range (This would be closer to $50,000). 

*  From the time we are matched to the time the baby is born could be hours, days, weeks, or months.  During this time, we will more than likely stay in communication with the expectant mother via texts, phone, doctor's appointments, dinner meetings, etc.  Some would rather not communicate. It's really case by case.


*  The expectant mother will text or call us when she goes into labor.  We will then travel to her hospital.

*  We will more than likely already know her hospital plan at this point.  She may not want us there until a couple days after the baby is born.  She may want us in the room.  It all depends.  Scott and I will either stay in the hospital or nearby hotel until the baby is released to our care.

*  Scott and I will work with the birthmother on naming the baby.  The baby will reflect whatever name the birthmother decides, however, legally, we can change it later on, or honor her wishes...which we would like to do.  We hope to all agree on a name.  If the baby is a little boy, only the birthmother can tell the hospital to circumcise him or not.  Again, we hope to work with the birthmother on this.


*  The birthmother cannot sign over her parental rights until at least 72 hours after birth in the state of Ohio.  However, when the baby is released from the hospital, we work with our attorney and the birthmother on a care plan.  Essentially, we are just "babysitting" until we get a time slot at probate court for the consent hearing.  That can take up to 3 or 4 weeks.  TECHNICALLY anytime in there, the birthmother can change her mind, though at this point is very rare. 

*  After the consent hearing, there is a placement hearing where the judge reviews all of our files from the homestudy process as well as asking Scott and I several questions.  The judge will then make the decision if the baby can be placed in our care for adoption.

*  6-8 months after the baby's birth, we will go to court to finalize the adoption.  It isn't until after this that we can discontinue social worker visits and change the name on the birth certificate to reflect our last name, etc.   This day is a MAJOR day of celebration!  The adoption is considered complete at this point. 


*  Our agency verifies that there is an actual pregnancy.  They also continue throughout the pregnancy to get medical records from the expectant mother's doctor's appointments. 

*  Should the baby be born with a medical condition, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or other complications that were NOT previously expressed to us, we have the right to also release our agreement for the match...which will not be easy on us, so we pray the truth is disclosed in all situations prior to birth. 

*   Birthfathers have rights, too.  They have 15 days after the baby is born to state he would like custody of the baby.  At the time, it becomes a custody battle between the birthmother and the birthfather.  The baby will be removed from our care...though we are told this rarely happens and the birthfather is usually on board with the adoption.  This happens in cases when birthfathers do not know of the pregnancy.  Usually, this is only possible before the consent that date will be an important date!

*  The baby is typically on medicaid insurance until finalization or whenever our insurance allows us to add him or her. 

That's basically it in a nutshell.  We are nervous, excited, scared, happy...just so many things going through our minds. 

Some have asked about a baby shower.  Scott and I prefer not to have a baby shower until after we are matched and the consent and placement hearings have taken place.  We just want to be sure we will not have to give our baby back and have all the baby stuff around as a reminder of our loss.  Some think that is silly...but it's what we would like.  We will have the basics...diapers, formula, place for him/her to sleep, so no worries there!  Also, with waiting, we will be able to have the baby at the baby shower for everyone to meet him or her!  So, even better!

Thank you all for your continued love and support!!

Scott and Lindsay

Monday, June 29, 2015

Now We Wait...

Progress Update:

My goodness!  Another month has passes since our last update.  We have been so busy preparing for future baby Watson.  The love, support, donations, prayers...AMAZING!  We cannot thank each of you enough.  We are both so humbled....'thank you' simply is not enough.

Here is a bit of what we have been up to...

May 22: We were approved to start working on our profile.  We completed this just last week.  The profile is an online intro to Scott and I...along with our friends, family, and support system.  This allows expectant mothers to find us online if they happen to be searching.  It also is a tool for us to share and let others share to spread the word.  We also began working (and have now completed) our "Birth-mom Book"...

What is a Birth-mom Book?

This book serves as the main tool for Scott and I to become parents!  This 20 page book, created with Shutterfly, has pictures, quotes, traditions, our home, and other various subjects to help an expectant mother (and father) determine if they feel their baby would fit well into our lifestyle.  That's where YOUR pictures were very much appreciated!!  Those pictures will help expectant parents see the love and support our baby will have...which is very important to them.  I would love to share our book with you.  Keep in mind; this book is 8x11 so if a picture seems small or hard to read in areas, it will be printed larger.  Click here to see our book (make sure you click on 'View Photo Book' then click on 'Full Screen') Scott and Lindsay's Adoption Book Once our profile page is live (Early August) I will share that with you!

The Homestudy...

The homestudy has been a long process!  Nearly 3 months in the works and we are DONE!  And by done...I mean done with our part.  We have sent in enough documents to fill a 2 inch binder, completed 36 hours of training, had a home inspection, fire inspection, background checks, answered some fun questions...and some really deep questions...the list goes on.  However, now we wait for our awesome social worker to type and complete the report, which we are told takes about 3 weeks.  After that, our agency will get a copy and the state will get a copy.  Once those groups approve it, we are officially DONE and approved.  That means we will be able to start submitting our profile and book to expectant mothers...sometime in August, pending nothing strange comes up.  The matching process can take weeks, or years. That's the start of the scary part.  Once we have a match, let me tell you a little about that process....

The Match...

Once Scott and I are selected by the expectant mother (and father if he is in the picture) we learn more about the birth-mother's hospital plan.  Maybe this would be easier if I gave you an example.

Let's say we are matched with a baby September 1st.  The due date of the baby is December 22.  It's up to the birth-mother if Scott and I are able to attend doctor's appointment until the due date.  On the day of the baby's birth, Scott and I will go to the hospital and stay in a separate hospital room.   It again, is up to the birth-mother if I or both of us get to be in the room while the baby is being born...that does happen!  Scott MAY even get to cut the cord!  Depending on the birth-mom's wishes, we may get to hold and feed the baby...OR we may have to stay in our hospital room until the birth-mother is discharged.  In the state of Ohio, we do not obtain the care and rights to the baby until at least 72 hours after birth.  The birth-mother may change her mind at any point prior to signing the papers.  We have been told this is (for lack of better words) the worst Hell we will go through.  It's scary and we have literally no rights to anything or anyone at this point.  Our hope is that we will get an opportunity to build a relationship with the birth-mother so that by the time the baby is born, she will fully trust us, and any potential issues will lessen.

After we get to leave the hospital WITH the baby, our social worker will visit us within 7 days at our home to make sure everything is going well.  She will continue to visit us at our home once a month (for 6 months) until the finalization process...the time when the court adds our names to the new birth certificate and we no longer have to have home visits!  The baby will be in our care after that roughly 72 hours after birth...and the birth family cannot "take it back" after least not without proving Scott and I are abusing or neglecting the no worries there!


Thank you for EVERYTHING you all have been doing!  With all the fundraisers and private donations, we have been blessed to have raised $6200 for baby Watson!  Thank you SO much!  We have been able to pay off our first loan.  We will be taking out our second loan once we are matched, as payment in full is due shortly after.  (Roughly another $10,000-$15,000 if we are able to stay in the state of Ohio...which is our hope.)  A savings account has been set up for any incoming funds as well as our own savings to go towards the second loan. 

Your prayers and kind words mean so much to Scott and I, and ultimately will be what makes the biggest difference for us and our future baby(ies)...yes we are open to multiples!     

If you would like to keep up with more current progress in our adoption (1-2 posts per week) you can join our Facebook group.  Scott and Lindsay's Facebook Group

As we learn more about our own process, we will update the this blog!

Much love to you all,

Scott and Lindsay

If you would like to donate to the Hope for One adoption account, please visit this link.  Watson Family Donation Page

Thank you for your support and help in bringing home baby Watson!

Some of our adoption "maternity" pictures.  Thank you Shade Tree Images!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Coming Around the Mountain...Sort Of!

Progress Update:

It has been awhile!

Nearly another month has passed in our adoption journey.  I wouldn't say time is flying by, but we are really staying busy!  I was messaging with another fellow adoptive parent, and she said it's an odd twilight zone type experience.

So what have we been doing?  I'll update from the last post...

May 1: We really started collecting item donations for our garage sale.  The response from people willing to donate items was AMAZING!  If you're reading this, THANK YOU!  

             The next checklist was released to us consisting of:

     *  Central Child Abuse Registry Instructions
     *  Permissions to request child abuse clearance for Ohio and Mississippi
     *  Restrictions Concerning Provision of Adoption Services
     *  Review of possible offenses that could come up in our check (but we know these are clear!)

This packet consisted of gathering some more documents to send.  We also had our ODJFS 1691 form approved after some revisions.  This contained information about past employments, places we have lived, people in our home, etc. 

May 1-13:   Garage Sale prep!  Every night, I would go and pick up items from awesome people that were willing to donate to our garage sale.  In total around 15 different families donated items.  And EVERY SINGLE FAMILY would give me a hug and had the nicest well wishes to send me on my way.  Granny, Scott, and I would sort/clean/ and set up tables to get ready for the sale.  It was HUGE!

                    Here is a picture at the start of the sale.  Our entire garage was PACKED, too!

May 14-16:  Garage sale time!  Nearly EVERYTHING was sold!  We did not price anything (except a few larger items) and took donations in any amount people wanted to give for their garage sale treasures.  Signs were posted so everyone knew the cause.  HUGE success.  We are excited to announce that we made $2000 during our garage sale!!!  So blessed and thankful to everyone that stopped by and/or donated items.  We met many people that had adoption stories...and even a couple that used our agency.  Loved connecting with everyone.

May 15-18: Scott and I worked on our homestudy questionnaire for hours!  This consisted of pages and pages of questions so that the agency knew more about us, and could give our Social Worker the answers to be discussed in our up coming homestudy visits.  We submitted this and it was approved on May 19th. 

May 20:  Our next checklist items were approved.  We were asked to submit copies of our marriage and birth certificates, education records, proof of citizenship, and employment verifications.  Also released was our 12 session homestudy training.  We have been busy reading and writing summaries for hundreds of pages of information...should have this wrapped up soon! 

May 21:  Started working on our next checklist...which is where we are at now.  This one will take awhile.  We need to submit medical statements from our doctors, fingerprinting, background checks, financial statements, reference letters from our 4 amazing references, a safety audit with our social worker, Child Characteristics checklist (basically what we are and are not open to in a match), Fire Inspection, and copies of our tax documents....phew!

Upcoming on May 30: A home visit with our social worker...I believe this is when the safety audit will take place.  We have followed a checklist and feel our home is safe, clean, and ready for a baby!

Other things that have happened...

Our t-shirt fundraiser was a HUGE success!  We have sold 113 t-shirts.  Please keep posting your pictures to our Facebook Group (anyone can join!)  Click HERE to see our Facebook group and post your Hope for One pictures!  If you did not get a t-shirt, we still would love your family pictures!  Feel free to post or message them to me.  We will start working on our parent profile and birthmother book VERY soon!  (Maybe this week!)  We reopened the t-shirt fundraiser for a couple days for those that still wanted to purchase them.  You only have until TONIGHT at midnight (May 26) to order.  Click HERE to order your t-shirt.

Thank you notes:  We are working on 'thank you' cards to send out.  We have been terribly slow at this, though they are coming :)  THANK YOU  to those of you that have sent donations, ordered Pampered Chef, Thirty One, t-shirts, or shopped at our garage sale.  We are just so thankful.

Upcoming (and LAST scheduled fundraiser).....

 That's it for now!  Hopefully I will have more to post after Saturday.  As always, THANK YOU for your support.  We are blessed to have each of you in our lives!

 Part of baby Watson's future family over the weekend!
Great Granny, Lori (my uncle's fiance), Great Uncle Danny, Grandpa Carl, Grandma Kathi (Lindsay's parents), Aunt Haylee, Cousin Ridge, and Uncle Chris! (Lindsay's brother)

Our adoption agency!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Progress Update:

A Tree in a Binder...

No, seriously!  The amount of paperwork Scott and I have done might be the equivalent of a tree.  A small tree maybe...but still...a tree.  Everything that we complete for our agency must be digitally signed, printed and signed, then uploaded to our account and the originals mailed. And we are still in the early stages of this and COMPLETELY worth it.

What Has Happened So Far?  

A WHOLE month has already passed in our adoption journey...

March 30 : Inquired in our selected agency and received information

April 9:  Applied to our agency ($100)

April 10:  Accepted into Building Blocks Adoption Service (an Ohio Christian agency)and received our portal information Our Agency's Website We also completed our initial profile information such as what we are looking for in our future baby, additional contact and financial information, etc.

April 13: Received our next checklist (the method in which we receive our "to do" lists as we progress through adoption)  Read through the "how to" information.

April 23:  Took out a loan for the first fees  ($5500) 
                 Lindsay and her dad watched/listened to an informational webinar about the adoption process  (Scott was at work)

April 24:  Mailed in/uploaded the following documents from our checklist. (and the above mentioned fees) (Mailing costs ~$2.50)
     *  How to use the checklist help guide
     *  How to create a digital signature
     *  The adoption contract (with fee)
     *  Read the Subsidy Guide and Financing Adoption Guide
     *  Filled out our Match Criteria form
     *  Read the layout of upcoming fees for Social Service related tasks
     *  Completed a parent satisfaction survey (WAIT!! PARENT?!?!  We are being called parents?  Getting closer...hopefully!)
     *  Read the homestudy welcome letter outlining the upcoming weeks
     *  Read and investigated the adoption loan assistance program (which allowed us to take out our loan)

April 27:  Had our "pass along" cards printed to give friends and family.  THE MORE PEOPLE THAT KNOW WE ARE ADOPTING, THE LESS TIME WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR A please feel free to keep sharing and if you would like some pass around flyers, please let us know! ($20.57)

April 30:  Uploaded and mailed in the following items: (Mailing costs ~$2.50)
     *  Adoptive parent discourse statement form
     *  Release of information consent form
     *  Authorization of Release for confidential information
     *  Proper procedure for complaints form
     *  Ohio adoption disclosure statement
     *  Emergency contact list
     *  Statement of understanding
     *  Understanding of placement requirements and match requirements
     *  Requirements of the Multiethnic Placement Act
     *  Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) form
     *  Definitions of Disabilities for State Waiting Children

(As I am typing this, the above mentioned checklist was now we wait for the next one!)

 Still to complete (as they are released)...and we do not know what is in each of these lists to do until they are released. 
Packet #2 - Child Abuse/Criminal Clearance Forms
Packet #3 - Homestudy Questionnaire
Packet #4 - Marriage/Birth/Employment/Education forms
Packet #5 - ODJFS Required Documents
Packet #6 ODJFS Training Documents
Profile Process
Matching Process
After Acceptance of Placement
Finalization Packet (where our names are put on a new birth certificate) 

How Are We Doing with Everything?

Pretty well, actually!  We are excited that we are moving forward and getting closer to having our baby.  Every day is one step day closer.  Something I know I have to remind myself of constantly.  

Scott mentioned it still hurts that we are unable to have biological children.  And it does.  But we know this is EXACTLY what we are supposed to be doing.  A new and fellow adoptive parent friend of mine wrote a beautifully written blog yesterday.  Click HERE to read her post.  She explains similar emotions perfectly.

While looking at things we may not be able to do as adoptive parents, there are so MANY MORE THINGS WE WILL be able to do!  I have also had fun recreating things for adoptive parents...example:  We have a maternity photo shoot in May...yes, it can be done.  I still plan to have a gender reveal party...if I can hold the excitement in until then.  Our plan is to have a party after we are blessed with a baby for everyone to come meet him/her and see what all the AMAZING prayers, donations, and well wishes have provided us with.

For now, our journey to placement continues.

Upcoming Watson Family Adoption Events and Ways You Can Help!

We want to thank everyone again for your continued help and support.  We still have a long way to go, but we are confident in our decision to adopt.  Below are some upcoming events/things going on in effort to support our adoption...thanks to friends and family for setting up everything!

T-Shirt/Hoodie/Long Sleeve Shirt Sale:  Order yours by May 6!  We get 50% of all sales.  Once you have your shirt, take pictures of you and your family wearing them and send it to us ( or post on Facebook!  We will include your photos in the book that birthmothers will read to learn more about our family, friends, co-workers, and support group.  Order Your Shirts HERE

Garage Sale: May 14-16...We will be holding a "by donation only" garage sale during our community's garage sale.  We are still in need of items so if you have anything you would like to part with, let us know!

Thirty One Gifts party:  May 16 at 2 p.m. If you can't make it, you can still order online starting May 1st!  Click HERE to order  Just make sure you order between May 1 and May 16 by selecting our party.  We are graciously being given 25% of your order. 

25 Cent Paddle Auction:  June 6 at 4:30 p.m. at Miami Valley Sports Bar 30 Watertower Ln, West Carrollton, OH 45449  Bring your quarters and win prizes all in support of our adoption!  Gift cards, gift baskets, and other goodies will be available to bid on.  More information is coming soon.  If you have new/unused items you would like to give for the quarter auction, please let me know!  I will also be looking for help in collecting prizes from local businesses to help the organization sponsoring this event.  (Each month, a new person or charity is selected to be the beneficiary of the earnings.  So thankful we were selected for June!) ...bids are just quarters at a time!
                Purchase a Chance Card for $10.00 which allows you
               1 Paddle to bid, 20 Chinese Auction tickets and a
                Chance to Win Additional Door Prizes
               (Save’s money and more chances to win)
Paddles, Chinese Auction, 50/50 and raffles may be available to purchase separately.

(Snacks are available. Local restaurants deliver to the Sports Bar during the auction.)

Also in the early planning stages....
An annual adoption 5K...complete with an official registered charity and the title (hopefully!) of Hope for One.

Hope for One will benefit a new family each year by giving that selected family the raised amount towards their adoption via application and interview process...this year will be Scott and I with a new family each year after. 

WHAT I NEED FROM YOU...if you are interested in serving on the official board, please email me at with a short essay which is to include:
1. Why you want to be part of the Hope for One board
2. What you can bring to the charity?
3. What does adoption mean to you?
4. How do you see this charity impacting the lives of families and the community?

Essays are due May 15th.

Board members will help plan the 5K each year and help select a new adoptive family. We are shooting for a Saturday in September each year pending no scheduling conflicts. This is a volunteer position and will require monthly meetings which will become more frequent closer to the event. Feel free to share this information! We feel this can really make a difference for SEVERAL families and children

Our goal is to knock out the first loan before taking out the BIG loan after placement...

Thank you again for reading and for your support.  We are so blessed to have each of you in our lives!

 Front of our pass around card

 Back of our pass around card

 Join us!  And please feel free to bring your friends and family.
I promise to have yummy snacks!